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2 centimeters) long when erect, a new survey of 1661 men finds. THE BURDEN OF THE BIG DICKED IS NOT& .You`ve made it to the mighty Nordschleife circuit, you`re ready to lap the most demanding race track in the world but there`s a problem. Black ice? The Armco is damaged? Nope, someone has drawn a massive jizzing cock on& ..6 inches (14
6 inches (14. A big cock to me is all about girth, not length. The study, published online July 10 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is relatively consistent with the& . That`s why when guys brag about their penis size I`m just like, SILENCE, FOOL. Just saying…7 may be long, but you have to understand girth.
.The average penis is 5..Jon Hamm has come under fire as Mad Men crew members have complained that due to the tight pants the characters wear, his infamous penis is causing a distraction..
.2 centimeters) long when erect, says new research from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.A US news reporter made an unfortunate on-air cock-up after drawing a giant penis during a live TV report.6 inches (14..
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- Oct 24 Thu 2013 12:46
Massive Penis
Massive Penis